Judi’s Wigs is a premiere preferred retailer for all of your alternative hair and wig needs in Tulsa, Oklahoma. At Judi’s Wigs, we have carefully selected the best quality name brands to deliver an extensive selection of ultra-lightweight hair pieces in both human & synthetic hair in all the top fashions. We carry hair pieces for both men and women. We can custom order to best suit your color and style. Judi’s Wigs carries wigs, wiglets, toppers, pony wraps, extensions, pull through, and all of your wig care needs. Additionally, we also provide consultation and services for all your alternative hair pieces. These services include cap adjustments, trim/thin/cut, refurbishments, shampoo and style, and men's toupee services.
"Incredible customer service!"Susan B.This is my favorite place in town to get wigs. They are always so kind and helpful when I come in. When I first started wearing wigs, I was intimidated to shop, but they have always made me feel so comfortable and has been so helpful every time. Definitely 5/5!!58 months ago
Judi’s Wigs
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