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Should I Get an Attorney for an Auto Accident?

Should I Get an Attorney for an Auto Accident?

Being in an auto accident can cause a lot of stress. Not only is it a big event, it can be very traumatizing. After the car accident is over, some may be wondering what the next step should be. Should the person go to the doctor right away or should they contact an attorney? The choices are important, but which is correct? Owen, Patterson & Owen, the office of auto accident attorney Greg Owen, has shared some information to help make sense of the situation.

Not Every Accident Needs an Attorney

Sadly, a lot of people get into car accidents every year. Some people do pursue hiring a lawyer, while other people never have to go through any sort of process. Of course, this all depends on the severity of the accident. Not every accident will need to have a lawyer contacted, but there are some times when an attorney is really needed.

When Should an Attorney Be Contacted?

An attorney should be contacted under a number of circumstances. Sometimes there are cases where it is not really clear who was at fault, while some states are a no-fault state. This could greatly influence the need for an attorney to be hired or not. Below are some instances when an attorney should definitely be considered.

Times an attorney should be considered for hire:

  • The accident was major.
  • Serious injury or death occurred during the accident.
  • The accident occurred in a slow zone. Slow zones can be considered a residential neighborhood, school zone or even an area where road work or power line work was being done.
  • The insurance company is not offering mediation services.
  • If the driver or drivers did not have any car insurance. This is true for the driver and the other person involved in the accident.

Sometimes there may even be information in the reports that is being called into question. An attorney should be hired quickly in those circumstances.

For more information, this YouTube video may be of assistance.

Stress Is a Factor When Calling an Attorney

If you are wondering whether an attorney should be hired for a minor collision, one may consider the amount of stress involved. While an accident is stressful enough, dealing with all of the insurance and medical care related to a car accident adds to it. Hiring an attorney can help eliminate a great deal of stress associated with car accidents.

An attorney can handle the legal side of a car accident and allow the person who was involved the crash to focus on getting better or getting back to work. This allows for a tremendous amount of stress to be taken off of the individual.

Legal Words Can Be Confusing

When there are legal words thrown around, an uninformed individual can become very confused. This can create a lot of stress and worry when it comes to dealing with the effects of a car accident. However, hiring an attorney can help with this. An attorney can break down everything in much easier to understand terms.

The First Step After a Car Accident

The first step to take after a car accident is to call 911. This should always be the first thing you do. Sometimes people can be greatly injured even if they are unaware of it at the moment. Sometimes people can seem very confused after a car accident and the proper thing to do is call the emergency number.

While a 911 call should always be the first step, the second step should be to call an attorney. The sooner an attorney is called the better. This is because legal advice will be given from the very beginning, making sure that all the proper legal steps and procedures are all done properly and efficiently.

The Insurance Company Should Be Called Promptly

Most insurance companies have 24-hour phone numbers that allow for a claim to be put in. The insurance company should be notified as soon as possible after the accident. Sometimes insurance companies will deal with the mediation of the accident. This allows things to be handled outside of court and without having to hire a lawyer.

While this is all true, an attorney should still be called. Sometimes court can not be avoided, especially if any negligence was committed by one of the drivers. An attorney can give the proper and correct legal advice that is so very needed in any car accident.

Be certain to obtain the legal advice necessary for protection in any event, even minor car accidents. This will ensue the proper route to a good outcome.


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