How Much Is the Right Amount to Tip for a Haircut?
Getting your hair done at home is time-consuming and frustrating, as most of the time your hair does not turn out like the pictures on the box. Both men and women end up at the hair salon and paying much more but getting the hair they wanted in the first place. But, at the end of the day when you are headed out the door happy with your hair, the question that might pop into your mind is, “How much should I tip my hair stylist?” It’s a great question and something we all think about. With the help of our friends at Olivia Stephens Salon & Spa, a hair salon spa in Palm Beach, we will try to get to the bottom of it.
Whether you just went in for a haircut or got a total makeover, you may wonder what the right amount is. For most people, they think of the service, friendliness, and if they liked the haircut or makeover they just received. If you factor in all of those together and it turns out that you do like everything, than a tip is great to give, as it shows that the hairstylist or barber did a great job. But how big of a tip should you give? That is the question everyone asks every time they head to the salon or barber.
How Much Should You Tip at a Salon/Barber?
According to Today, you should “start from 20 percent to be fair. Young mothers up the tip if their preschoolers are in on the haircut. If you arrive late or have a toddler with you, you should increase your tip.” Giving a tip can also ensure great customer service next time you come in. Most often, the hairstylist will remember you and you can form a great relationships with your hairstylist or barber.
The general rule of thumb is to tip based on the amount after taxes, but it’s not wrong to base your tip on the pretax amount rather than the full amount. Depending on your bill, it can help you in the end, as the price on your bill can get high very quickly and subtracting 5% or more can help you save a little bit of money.
If you go to the salon often, such as once a month or more, then statistics show that you may be able to leave less of a tip. Since you come in more often than most people, giving a small tip every month or so can add up.
The tip can vary depending on where you live as well. Living in a bigger city means that your tip may have to increase because of the area and environment around you. If you live in a smaller town, you may be able to lower the tip because just like a big city, it all depends on the environment around you and the clientele.
Should You Tip the Owner of the Salon?
According to Groupon, “Nowadays, most people tip them the same amount they would tip a nonowner-stylist”. Giving a small but generous tip can go a long way. Tipping the owner gets you in good standing and maybe next time they might bump up your appointment as a favored client.
Do Salon Assistants Get Tipped?
According to LiveAbout, “In the past, it was customary to tip the person who shampoos, or blow dries your hair $2 to $5. Today, many stylists share their tips with their assistants, leaving you free to enjoy your shampoo or blow-dry without worrying about who to tip and how much.” This is similar to a restaurant, where a server most often times gives the busser a percentage of the tips earned that night.
What If the Stylist Did Not Do a Good Job?
Being aware of what you tell your barber/stylist can help your hair cut/color turn out the way you want it to. But if you do not like the cut they gave you, speak up but be polite. Ask them if there is any way to fix the mistake or the part you don’t like.
Giving them feedback can also give your hairstylist/barber a point or tip to know next time you come in so they know what you like, and most often they will remember for the following appointment.
So, What Is the Right Amount to Tip Your Stylist/Barber?
Giving all that was discussed above, the 18 to 22 percent range is normal for tipping your hairstylist or barber. Tipping before taxes can help you save money and lower your bill. Being generous but also knowing how much your budget is will help you decide how much you should tip.