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Do Wig Shops Buy Hair

Do Wig Shops Buy Hair?

It is time to get that big hair cut. You may have grown your hair out for some special occasion or haven’t had a chance to get to the salon to get it taken care of. For those who have quite a bit of hair to deal with, you may want to consider whether selling it would make the most sense for your needs. Before you decide to do this, you need to know who will purchase the hair and how much you can make. One question to consider is whether wig shops buy hair or not.

Yes, some wig shops buy hair, but usually only if they have a wigmaker who can create wigs in-house. Most wig shops source their wigs from wigmakers, so it’s often more effective to sell your hair directly to a wigmaker. According to Judi’s Wigs, my local hair store in Tulsa, they say hair quality, length, and whether it’s untreated (virgin hair) can affect how much you can earn.

Deciding to sell your hair is probably not going to make you a full-time income, especially since hair is going to grow in so slowly. But it is an option to consider when you want to make a few extra dollars and you plan to cut your hair anyway. Let’s take a closer look at how this works and explore if it is the right option for you.

Can I Sell My Hair to a Wig Shop?

You can sell your hair to a wig shop if they create their own wigs and then sell them. Most of them will buy them from a wigmaker, so that is the person you will want to sell your hair to when you wish to cut it and make money at the same time. The longer the hair and the less products in it, the more you can make. Children’s hair is also popular since it is less likely for a child to donate or sell their hair.

Whether you are able to sell your hair to a local wig shop is going to depend on whether they have a wigmaker present in the business or not. They will not be able to do anything with your hair if you just hand it to them; they need to take it and turn all of it into a wig or more. A special professional will need to do this, but that professional does not need to sell the wigs. Many wig shops will special order the wigs and keep them in stock, just like with other businesses.

If the business has a wigmaker, then they will be able to pay you for the hair and then give it to the professional to make the wigs they sell. However, if they are just a storefront and order all of their wigs, which is most common, then you will need to find a wigmaker or a company that is willing to take the hair and make it into a wig. Shopping around and doing some research will help you figure out which one is right for you.

How Much Can I Sell My Hair For?

The amount that you can make for your hair can be between $150 to $600 for most people. The more hair you have, and the higher quality it is, the more you will be able to make. Some examples of how much you can get for your hair includes:

  • 12 inch long, 2 inch thick non-virgin black hair will typically be $131.
  • 18 inch, 2 inch thick blond virgin hair will typically be $354
  • 20 inch long, 3 inch thick red virgin hair is typically closer to $586.

The length of the hair can be an important factor, as well as the thickness, because this can help make a better wig, or even several wigs at once. Long, thick hair is the best, as well as red and blond coloring, which will get the best prices. Virgin hair, which is going to be untreated and undyed hair will be worth more because the wigmaker will not need to worry about the products and chemicals that are in the hair. If you have damaged the hair from bleach, dying, or even the sun and curling irons, it is harder to make a wig from and you may be out of luck.

Children’s hair is typically going to be more in demand, and you can sell it for a higher price. This is due to the fact that there are not as many children who are selling their hair on the market. You can consider doing this if you want to help your child make more money or if they are looking for a way to help those in need.

Choosing the Right Wigmaker to Sell Your Hair

Selling your hair is not a lucrative career choice, but it can work for a lot of people when it is time to finally cut off the hair and make it look and feel better. Finding the right wigmaker will make a world of difference and allows you a chance to make a few dollars on hair that you were going to get rid of in the first place. Do some research to figure out who will take the best care of your hair and pay you the most before you make this decision.